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Embrace the Future of Cognitive Performance Training

Cognitive training, along with eye movement and strengthening exercises, have great benefit related to military and first responder personnel performance improvement. The long list of skills our program helps such as reaction time, response inhibition, focus and attention, multi-object tracking, and more relate directly to performance in training and in the field. The Mastermind Cognitive Training program is an easy and effective way to bring brain training to your personnel at every level. We have a program specifically designed for military and first responders and are ready to make a difference in helping them achieve their potential and goals.

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Why Mastermind

We offer flexible options for leaders that want to integrate Mastermind Cognitive Training. Below is a list of benefits to partnering with Mastermind.

  • Improve personnel production and performance.
  • Drive improved focus and attention.
  • Strengthen eye control and movement actions.
  • Increase personnel satisfaction
  • Differentiate your unit or station
  • Self guided program with minimal oversight
  • Ongoing training and support to managers, facility, and personnel
  • Personnel can train at home or in facility with minimal space and equipment requirements
  • Cross promotion of brands
  • Offer special discount pricing
  • New profit center with revenue sharing

Learn how Mastermind Sports can partner with you and make a difference.